Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ruthey's "First" Christmas

Ruthey's "first" Christmas...

well... while her first Christmas was spent in an orphanage across the world in Yugan County, Jiangxi China... there were no celebrations of Christmas.  So... we consider this her first real Christmas. 
What a wonderful day celebrating this precious gift from God and our Savior's birth. 

"For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."  Luke 2:11b

 Her car from Nana and Papa Chuck
 Big brother Brady with his new skateboard
 she really got into opening presents... she loves her new dollhouse
Courtney surprised us with this drawing of Ruthey....  oh, what a wonderful gift
 Ruthey with her "Lola" dog from Aunt Alisa
Ruthey wasn't so sure about Santa. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

She keeps me busy.

Ruthey's New Look.

Wow!  I forgot how much a 1 year old can keep you on your toes.  Ruthey is playing catch up from a year of sitting in an orphanage.  She is extremely active.   Absolutely fun-natured pretty much sums up her personality.  She wakes up smiling and ready to play.  Sometimes I have to wake her early; even then she is just "happy go lucky".  We are so blessed!!!  She just fits with us perfectly.  God amazes us and we are still in awe of this perfect little girl that He has given to us.  We are humbled by it all. 
One thing:  SHE ISN'T SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT.  ugh... we're tired.  We are hoping to go to Alabama International Adoption Clinic in Birmingham very soon.  Hopefully, they can offer some advice for these sleepless nights. 
So... with that... Here's Ruthey's top ten (milestones) for the week (okay... for the last two weeks).  I'm telling you, all you blogging buddies of mine, I just can't seem to keep it going as often as you all do. 

Ruthey's top 10:

1.  She has this new look where she just glares at us.  It's pretty funny.  I posted a picture. 

2.  She has perfected crawling.... needless to say, we are babyproofing something everyday.  It's been a while and there are things we had forgotten about. 

3.  Our dog Lola sleeps under the covers.  Regardless if you are covered up on the sofa or lying in the bed... she always gets under the covers.  Ruthey always searches under the blankets saying "Lola".  Can you say precious?

4.  Ruthey pulls all the lower ornaments off the Christmas tree all day long.  We will randomly find ornaments around the house.

5.  Ruthey waves hello and goodbye.  When talking on the phone, I'll tell her to say hi and she just waves at the phone.  She is very friendly when we are out and waves at everyone. 

6.  Ruthey gives kisses.  She puckers up and will blow kisses too.  She blows really hard. 

7.  When praise music is on, she waves her hands and just sings her heart out.  She also attempts to snap her fingers.

8.  Ruthey puts her hands together to pray. 

9.  She has two new teeth!!!

10.  RUTHEY DOES NOT LIKE SANTA... HE SCARES HER!!  We saw Santa in the mall and she just grabbed me and was shaking with fear.  I just held her tighter and we waved at Santa from a distance.  She waved. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ruthey's progression

Backyard photo shoot.
 Ruthey's Top Ten for the week!!

1.  She has mastered signing "please".  It's precious.  Her big sister taught her that.  :)

2.  She can tell you where her nose and mouth are.  She opens her mouth big to show you.  If you ask her where her eyes are, she can show you and will gladly show me where mine are as well and proceed to poke at them.  ouch!! 

3.  Ruthey now gives hugs.  Oh, how that melts our hearts.  She will even pat your back while hugging you.

4.  Ruthey saw geese for the first time today and called them "Lola".  Any animal is Lola.  Lola is our dog.  :)

5.  She begins dancing immediately when she hears music.

6.  She loves for you to sing to her and then she proceeds to sing with you.... Simply Adorable!!  By the way.... today was her first Sunday at Summit Crossing (our church).  She did great sitting in big church. 

7.  Ruthey saw Santa and reindeer display at Home Depot and was just in awe.  They were all lit up and she just pointed and smiled.

8.  Ruthey LOVES bathtime now.  She just sits and splashes everywhere. 

9.  Ruthey does NOT like prunes!!!!  Mommy so thought she needed them for her tummy.  Oh well...

10.  RUTHEY CRAWLED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

busy, busy

Aunt Norma, Ruthey and Nana
Ruthey with her papa Chuck

Ruthey is slowly beginning to like bathtime!!

Ruthey with her cousins in Forydyce... Abby, Molly and Kendall

Just simply cute :)

She loves her yogurt!!!
 Busy, busy... that's been our lives over the past two weeks.  My step-dad, Bill, passed away last Sunday on November 7.  Two weeks ago he entered the hospital and was not expected to make it much longer.  He wanted so badly to meet Ruthey before he died.  So... Brady, Ruthey and I traveled to Arkansas for two days and Bill was introduced to his newest granddaugher.  It was precious!  Last Sunday, Bill went home to be with the Lord and his horrible suffering ceased.  We praise God for that; however, we sure will miss him. 

As for Ruthey... she is adjusting so well.  She still says "lola" all the time.  Now, one of her favorite things to do is give us hugs.  We say "give me a hug" and she just leans into you.  Sweet!!   Another thing we've  discovered about Ruthey... she loves bananas and HATES sweet potatoes.  How can this be?  Surely, she will learn to like them.  :)  She is now a southern girl.  I've introduced them to her every week in different ways and she still spits them out and makes a horrible face.  As Brady has said many times before, "she just makes our hearts melt".  This journey of adoption took so long, but we know now why the wait was several years.  Ruthey was meant for us! 

Our church, Summit Crossing Community Church, has been so gracious to bring meals.  I'm so thankful for those meals.  It's made life a little easier as I am still trying to get accustomed to having a little one around again.  She is a busy, busy girl. 

As for Ruthey's sleep... it's so much better!!!  Last night she went to bed at 8 and slept until 7.  Thanks for your prayers in that matter. 

I have promised a weekly post to several friends.  Please know this is one day off (Lori), but I have been extremely busy.  :)

Monday, November 08, 2010

Ruthey's Shower in Tennessee

What fun it was to see old friends in Clarksville!  Susan Jordan, Deby Franklin, and Bev Jordan had a shower for me.  Our adoption journey began in Clarksville and these great friends have walked this journey with us from day one.  Ruthey received lots of great gifts.  I must say, everything was just adorable too.  God has truly blessed me with some wonderful friends.  Clarksville, TN will always hold a special place in our hearts. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy First Birthday to Ruthey!!

We feel so blessed to have Ruthey home with us for her first birthday.  Well... what a day she has had! 
Her Nana, Papa Chuck and Great Aunt Norma are here to celebrate with her.  Along with the rest of us, I think they are smitten with her too.  She had great fun eating her birthday cake and opening gifts. 
We are just amazed at Ruthey's progress since coming home.  Within three days of being with us, she rolled over.  After about a week, she was saying "da da" and "ma ma".  Within two weeks, she was trying to pull up.  Now, she's doing her best to crawl.  She scoots around; however, she moves backward.  It's precious!  Before too long, she'll be running!  We are just in awe of how far she has come in such a short time.  One of our favorite things.... she says "Lola".  Lola is our miniature weenie dog.  We just can't believe it!!  Now... as I type, her Nana and Aunt Norma are pretending to cough and Ruthey is mimicking them.  Ruthey will cough and just laugh.  Goodness knows we don't need another drama queen :). 
Many of you have asked why I haven't updated the blog.  I have to tell you; I've been just a little busy.  I promise to do my best to update it once a week.  The jetlag has been a little rough this week. 
Please pray for Ruthey's sleep.  She does great at taking her naps in her crib during the day; however, nighttime is a different story.  She cries and cries for us to just hold her.  It's as if she's scared we are going to leave her.  We just can't let her "cry it out".  We feel she's been crying it out way too long and we'll just work through this.  It will not last forever!  If any of you have any experience with adoption and this issue, please let us know.  We would greatly appreciate advice from other adoptive parents. 
Grateful to HIM!!
Greg and Kim

Breakfast time!!

Ruthey with Uncle Buddy's special forces cap.

Ruthey's birthday cake

Publix gave Ruthey her very own personal cake.

Sorry this is blurry, but... YUM YUM!!

Her very first baby doll :)

What a mess!!  She loved the cake and was very upset when we took it away.  We didn't want her to get sick. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Home at last.

My first time to hold Ruthey!  These are the two ladies that brought Ruthey from orphanage. 

Our first embrace. 

Kailey and Ruthey after her first bath.

proud daddy!!

Kailey, Ruthey and Brady on the famous "red couch" at the White Swan Hotel.

Dinner with our new friends.  They made the trip so much better.

Ruthey with her new outfit from Aunt Alisa.  Precious!!

Ruthey with Aunt Alisa. 

Ruthey's "red couch" photo

Aunt Alisa just had to put these boots on her.  They are just a little big :).

Ruthey and Henry.  She loves him!!

Cutie pie!!

Ruthey with Andy and Susan Jordan

Ruthey and her proud Grandma!!

Ruthey with Roy and Deby Franklin
Reflecting back through the past five years, I can honestly say "it was all worth it".  The wait was tough at times, but God always pulled us through.  He was faithful to give us just what we needed for those struggling days.  We all are so grateful we never gave up.  Ruthey is perfect for us.  God is all ready changing our hearts and really stirring within each of us a more passionate heart for orphans.  There are 147 million across the world.  We'd ask each of you to really search your hearts on how the Lord would prompt you to help one of them.  He calls us all... just in different ways. Thank you all for encouraging us through the wait.  Many of you have walked this same journey and I so appreciate your words of wisdom. 
Now, on a lighter note...
Thursday evening we were welcomed home by a huge crowd.  Thank you all!!  Words can not express how much that meant to us. We were in awe!  After living here just a few months, God has all ready blessed us with all of you.  We praise Him for that.  Several of you drove in from out of town (TN and AR).  We are so glad you did and are grateful you were there.  Thank you to those of you who contributed to the "full refrigerator" and goodies left on the counter.  I know several of you took part in this.  Thanks!!  Thank you to the Gardunia's for caring for our two dogs (Henry and Lola) while we were gone.  Lola and Henry especially thank you.  Otherwise, they would have stayed in a kennel.  AND... by the way, we were concerned Ruthey would be terrified of Henry and Lola.  She is not!!  She loves them. 
As for Ruthey.... She's happy to be home.  Her sleep is all messed up.  Hopefully, we'll be able to get her on "our time" and back to sleeping at least 8 hours a night.  Right now, she's only sleeping a max of 4 hours.  Needless to say, mom and dad are a little tired.  I think she's so over stimulated and afraid of what she's going to miss if she goes to sleep.  Although she's not sleeping as much, she is still such a happy baby.  That smile just melts all our hearts.  Just wait till each of you see it up close and personal. 

It was so neat to see the blog after coming home.  Not sure if you all knew it or not, but we could not view the blog (or FB) while in China.  My friend, Susan Jordan, posted everything for us.  I sent her emails and she posted.  Looking through the blog, I realize just how many pictures never made it through.  That was a daily struggle.  Not sure why, but we had lots of failures as far as pictures were concerned.  So, I'm going to post lots of old pictures and several new ones.  Hope you all enjoy. 

My friend Missi is expecting the blog to be updated daily by 7 am (lol).    I can't make any promises on that.  Many of you know blogging is not typically my thing.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  I 'll make every effort to keep it up as much a possible.  Ruthey all ready has me on my toes.